So you want to make money but you just don’t have the time?

You work all day and at the end of your day, you are tired and beat and low on energy?

You want to get into real estate wholesaling but there just seems to be so much to learn.

You’re tired of getting on social media and seeing all these people make money and you are stuck on the sidelines.

Well, those days will soon be a thing of the past.

The solution is here and I’m going to help you dispel many of the myths floating around right now.

People make things too difficult or feel bad if they are making money without working a ton of hours.

Let me let you in on something. You actually make more money the less you do.

Let me explain.

You’re busy. You have a ton of things going.

You’re trying to do too much yourself. Don’t go at it alone.

Do less. And hand off 85% of the tasks to someone that will end up doing better than you anyway. (No offense)

If someone offered you $4/hr to work full time would you take it?

Of course not.

But each time you choose to do a task that could be hired out for $4/hr you are effectively saying “I’m willing to work for $4/hr”

So are there people willing to work that cheap?


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Virtual assistants. I’m talking virtual assistants from the Philippines.

They’re robotic.

They’re consistent

They’re hard workers

And they’re cheap.

Cheap enough nearly everyone can afford to hire one.

The cost of living in the Philippines is small. So they can live the same lifestyle as an American for a fraction of the price.

They’re smart too. Many have bachelor’s degrees.

So why would you want to do this stuff on your own?

You wouldn’t.

In this guide, I’m going to teach you how to do every step in the wholesaling process.

Better yet. I’m giving you the process.

You can then hand that process to a virtual assistant and let them do it for you.

Imagine getting up in the morning, sending your virtual assistant an email of the tasks they need to complete for the day.

You go to work, come home, and the tasks are done.

You have now pushed your real estate deals forward and you didn’t have to do hardly any of it.

You repeat this process daily until you get a deal done.

This training not only helps you, it also helps your virtual assistant. Let me train them.

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In This 283-Page Guide You'll Learn:

How To Find Deals Nobody Else Can Find

How To Find The Best Virtual Assistants To Help You Day In And Day Out

How To Find The Best Cash Buyers In Your Market That Will Pay The Highest Prices

How To Buy And Sell A Property Without Spending A Dime Down

How To Close On The Property (And Get Paid) Without Ever Leaving Your House

The Best Marketing Techniques That Draw Out The Most Motivated Sellers

How To Quickly Find The Value Of Any Property

How To Make Offers On A Property

How To Sell Properties Fast And For Top Dollar

How To Do Deals Without Ever Leaving Your House In Any City In The Country

How To Run The Numbers The Easy Way (Literally 3rd-grade Math)

The Entire Process!

Book and Bonuses Immediatly Available for Download After Checkout

This book will not only teach you how to do deals from anywhere but it will teach you how to have virtual assistants help you do the stuff you don’t want to do.

Don’t want to do deals in your own backyard?

No problem. This book will show you how to everything virtually.

This book will remove the fear of the unknown and hold your hand they the whole process.

Get started now!

The real estate holds rush is on!

Don’t miss it

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I know that my Human Automation Book will spark new ideas, and propel your business to newfound heights. But for any reason, if you are not completely satisfied, rest assured that I will provide you with a 100% refund within 30 days of your purchase. Just email the support email on your receipt and we will help you out!



Growing up in a small town in Illinois, Matt began work at a local Machine shop, creating parts for agricultural companies like John Deere and Caterpillar. But after a few years, amounting debt and minimal pay raises forced him to look for another source of income. Spending the remaining money he had, he invested heavily in learning about real estate before successfully completing his first wholesale deal in 2005. Fast forward to the present, Matt has created a multi-million dollar real estate enterprise, completed thousands of real estate transactions, holds a substantial portfolio of cash-flowing properties, and has conducted over 85 million dollars in real estate transactions in the last 3 years. If you're just starting out, or already run a business and are looking to go to the next level, Matt has the knowledge to get the result you desire.

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Ten Things You Must Do On Seller Calls

Ten Things You Must Do On Seller Calls

So my top sales acquisition person asked me a question the other day that spurred me to create this training.
She asked, “Matt, what did you say to sellers to be able to buy so many houses and bare-bones prices for so many years?”
Without hesitation, I wrote down the 10 things I did on every single sales call.
I had never physically written down the 10 things before. But I knew them like the back of my hand because they had been said for years and thousands of closed deals.
Now I learned these 10 things thru trial and error. I found what worked and what didn’t.
I saw what worked and repeated the strategy to see if it would work again. If it did I kept using it.
Over time I dial in and mastered what I said.
What were the 10 things I shared?
You’re about to find out in this 50-minute video!
How would you like to step into every sales conversation with a plan of what to say?
How confident would you feel if you knew how to overcome all of the typical objections most sellers have?
How would you like to be the person the seller sells to even though someone else offered a higher price?
Get This 50 Minute Video Today To Learn My Secrets!
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